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Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

March 7, 2016

Outstanding collector's item. Good price from AMAZON. Keeps good time. I appreciate having my name on product. Has beautiful colors. Easy to install with hardback construction, thus is durable. I have item in my garage where it attracts much attention. I am totally satisfied with product. 

March 9, 2016

I am very pleased with the Detrick Design & Fabrication clock I ordered. My order arrived on time and it was packed correctly and in perfect condition. My husband was extremely happy with it and couldn't wait to hang it in his shop.This clock is beautiful and well worth the money I spent on it. I highly recommend ordering from this companyVerified Purchase

By Christopher B on Oct 27, 2015

Product arrive before scheduled date. Product quality was better than expected.Packaging was good. Came with courteous note wanting me to be fully satisfied and to contact them if not. Very happy with overall experience! I will recommend this company to others. 

Verified Purchase

By DA on October 25, 2015

I am very pleased with the Detroit Tigers clock I ordered. My order arrived on time and it was packed correctly and in perfect condition. I previously ordered 2 similar clocks from 2 different companies and had to return them because of the condition of clock and the packaging. This clock is beautiful and well worth the money I spent on it. I highly recommend ordering from this company. 


By MJ on July 21, 2015
Verified Purchase
Love it. The personalization turned out great and we got it in record time. The colors are vibrant and looks just like they do in the picture. Just be aware that it isn't water proof, so it can't stay outdoors 24/7.


on September 3, 2015
Extremely happy with the item better than expected


By JNH on June 19, 2014

Verified Purchase
We bought this for the tiki bar by our pool and are really impressed with it. Some signs look like the customized portion is just added on and it appears different from the rest of the plaque. But this is quality work and looks like the entire thing was made just for us. They also don't waste any time; our bar sign was shipped the day after we ordered it. Would recommend the seller without reservation.
By Brittany W. on September 29, 2013
Verified Purchase
My brother and sister-in-law are in the process of creating a tiki hut/tiki bar in their back yard, so when I saw this sign, I knew it was ideal for them. I ordered the sign a couple weeks ago and it arrived quite quickly; it appears to be very well made and is quite colorful. I recommend it. I think my in-laws will love it and will get many years of use out of it.




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